Ready to ACHIEVE Your Money Goals, REACH Your Financial Dreams and ENJOY the Life You Were Meant to Live?

Have you:

  • Felt overwhelmed and stressed about your money situation or the situation of your family, friends and customers this year?
  • Been spending time and energy worrying because you don’t know much money you need to cover your monthly expenses?
  • Avoided taking actions you know you need to take but,  somehow something just always gets in your way
  • Been wondering why you keep sabotaging yourself?

Well, you're not alone!  I've seen this over and over again with clients, friends and family.

And it happens because the real cause behind these situations is hidden.  You're not even aware of it.  So, how can you solve a problem that you're not even aware of?  You can't!

That's why I created the Rewrite Your Money Story Bundle to help you become aware of what's stopping you, so you can move past it, take action and Achieve Your Money Goals and Dreams.   


Special Price - $47

Included in the Bundle:                                   

  • Reset Your Money and Mindset Masterclass - valued at $197
  • Rewrite Your Money Story Mini Course- valued at $47
  • Rewrite Your Money Story Guided Journal - valued at $15
  • Money Story Map- valued at $20
  • Affirmation Bookmark- valued at $5

Total Value of $284

money and mindset reset

Reset Your Money & Mindset Masterclass

What if I told you that you’re carrying hidden programming that is specifically blocking your money and your wealth.  It’s literally setting the level of your income, your savings, what you spend and the amount of debt you have. Would you want to uncover it? 

By Uncovering and mapping out the mind-body-money connection and the blocks in different kinds of money and their three aspects: emotions, programmed beliefs and connected traumas. Becoming aware and conscious about what exactly is stopping you, shaping your money picture and start clearing the blocks at the mind-body level.

In this masterclass you’ll learn:

  • The Hidden “Mind/Body/Money Connection”
  • The 3 Aspects of Your Biggest Money Blocks You MUST Unlock to  Change
  • How to Re-create the Income, Debt, Spending and Savings set points that limit/sabotage your income and create debt cycles
  • How to Create Your Personal Money & Mindset Map so you can take the exact steps on the Journey to a New Experience with Money!

rewrite your own money story

Rewrite Your Money Story Mini Course

By learning how to:

  • STEP 1 - Uncover Your Money Beliefs
  • Step 2 - Understand Your Money Story
  • Step 3 - Upgrade Your Money Story 

You'll be able to:

  • Move beyond overwhelm and frustration 
  • Stop Sabotage
  • Take Action towards your Financial Goals
  • Have Financial Peace


Rewrite Your Money Story Guided Journal

I created this guided journal that will take your through a step by step process to help you become aware of what's stopping you so that you can:

  • End self sabotage
  • Move beyond fear, overwhelm and frustration
  • Take action towards your financial goals
  • Have financial peace

The journal is divided into 3 sections:

Step 1 - Uncover Your Money Beliefs

Step 2 - Understand Your Money Story

Step 3 - Upgrade Your Money Story 

Guided by prompts, you'll journal through each step.  You can journal through one or more prompts each day or schedule your own mini retreat or weekend to work through the whole journal.  

At the end of each step there are pages for reflection, sketching and affirmations.  You'll be able to summarize your insights and  awarenesses and begin to align and shift your thoughts and beliefs. 

After you’ve rewritten your money story, you'll find pages where you can list your money goals, create an action plan to achieve those goals and write out affirmations to align your thoughts with those goals.

Whether you're just starting on your journey to create wealth or you're already on the path, you'll benefit from this process. Each change, transition and challenge in our lives provides the opportunity to shift our beliefs and rewrite our story at a new level.

money story map graphic

Money Story Map

Your money story is reflected in what's going on in your life right now, whether you're conscious of it or not.  It's filled with characters, plots and storylines from the environments you grew up in, the experiences you've had and the beliefs and habits you've created or adpoted throughout your life.   

This visual map and step-by-step instruction ebook will help you begin to reveal Your Money Story and the underlying money beliefs that may be stopping you from taking the actions to achieve your money dreams!


Affirmation Bookmark

This affirmation bookmark is customizable and reusable.  On the reverse side of each laminated bookmark you can write or draw your own affirmations, word of the day,intentionm, scripture, prayer, etc. 

You Get:                                   

  • Reset Your Money and Mindset Masterclass - valued at $197
  • Rewrite Your Money Story Mini Course- valued at $47
  • Rewrite Your Money Story Guided Journal - valued at $15
  • Money Story Map- valued at $20
  • Affirmation Bookmark- valued at $5

Regular Price - $284

Special Pricing - Only $47