Empowering Women Who Are Ready For a New Experience With Money to Realize Financial Peace



I’ll introduce myself and help You get to know me a little better by telling you about my own personal journey

On a gloomy fall morning about 24 years ago my husband of 5 years walked into the kitchen as I was on my way out the door to have breakfast with an old friend and blurted out “I want a divorce”.  Just like that, in an instant my life changed forever.

What followed after that morning was several weeks with many and varied conversations ranging from fits of tears to, fits of laughter to fits of anger.  And finally 8 weeks after that gloomy morning, my husband moved out……and I moved on.

But as I moved on, I was left with a burden –  a house I couldn’t afford, bills I couldn’t pay, responsibilities I wasn’t prepared for.  You see I had given over my power, my financial power to someone else.  Even though I was a CPA – a trained professional in money and finance I had left it up to my husband to manage the money.  I spent all day long dealing with other people’s money, so I was relieved that he was interested and very good at handling ours.

I gave up my financial power. And now it was time for me to take it back.

As I began to rebuild my life, I became involved in my church community. It was there that I observed that many of my spiritually centered friends had financial difficulties and some of them even believed that they should have to sacrifice and not be compensated for following their heart’s desire, and making a difference using their gifts and talents to serve others.

This was unlike people in the financial world, who had the tools and the knowledge to create and manage their finances, but were missing an inner connection, divine direction or inspiration and were fueled by fear-worrying about money, saving it, protecting what they had created.

I saw that neither group I was involved with was experiencing Financial Freedom

As I got more and more involved at my church and began studying to be a Lay Minister and Spiritual Counselor, it became clearer and clearer that something was missing and there must be a way that we can all experience true Financial Freedom.

It was during this time that I had the idea to create a process to help people manage their money and shift their money mindset to Create Lasting Financial Freedom.

So fast forward many years later, as a Holistic Financial and Business Coach what makes me different from all the other Financial Coaches, Business Coaches, Financial Planners and Advisers is that I use a combined approach. 

  • Most financial freedom coaches and programs focus on what I call the nuts and bolts-budgets, credit card debt, saving, investing-all about doing.
  • Most prosperity or mindset coaches and programs focus on the emotional side of money – your money story or blueprint and changing the limiting beliefs that are stopping you.
  • Most business coaches focus on strategies, business plans and actions.  

I use a holistic approach that incorporates all of these 

You can’t have Lasting financial freedom if you are living in fear, worrying about your money, spending all of your time dealing with it… And  You can’t be prosperous if you are living by platitudes, and you understand your money story and your limiting beliefs, but you can’t pay your mortgage, you are accumulating credit card debt or living from paycheck to paycheck. You can’t have a successful business if you haven’t transformed your money stories, you are using the same unsuccessful money management that you use in your personal life and you don't have plans and processes to achieve your desired results.

What I do is tailored to your individual needs. This isn’t a one size fits all problem. Each of us have individual behaviors, beliefs, personalities, lifestyles, skills, experiences and situations that dictate how we operate, how we see the world and how we deal with money, life and business.

With over 40 years as CPA working in Finance, Purchasing and Management I have worked with individuals and companies ranging in size from small privately owned businesses to Fortune 500 companies in various industries.

In addition, with over 18 years as a Holistic Financial and Business Coach, I have worked with individuals, churches and organizations to:

  • Create financial freedom by having a plan and process that works for them and their life
    • Move beyond the limiting beliefs that stop them
    • Align their values, vision and mission statements with goals and action steps
    • Realize their unique gifts and talents and create the future that they desire
    • Create strategic plans for their business and personal lives

This Website, the Coaching, Classes and Workshops I now provide, are a Continuation of My Vision. I hope you find the information on this site useful and easy to navigate.

Please see my LinkedIn Profile for details of my professional experience.

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Contact me to explore how I can assist you in Achieving Your Dreams!

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Speaking with Coach Estelle was so nice! She is a very warm,sweet and inspiring coach!  I just needed some guidance I feel very sure of myself! and heading in the right direction Someone else who listens, and offers a path to my journey!

D. Perras

Since Oct. 1 I've paid $3,414 towards my debt!!!! Thank you for helping me towards achieving this goal for myself and my family.

I was totally up what I've paid (since 9/10) on med bills for the kids and I, garnishment, car and my house and it is $14,573. that doesn't include childcare, lunches, sports, vacation, etc. holy cow.

Thank you for going on this journey with me. you were such a HUGE help and source of confidence.


After my business partner and I finished our workshop with Coach Estelle we were very motivated and had clear and concise plan to work toward our business goals.

We are now following our plan and meeting short- and long-term goals.  Instead of someday; we can say with certainty what we will achieve and when.  The discussion of our strengths and weaknesses was a real turning point, because we had never approached our work from that perspective before.

We are more organized and productive and our communication has improved 100%!

Thanks for all your help and concern!  We’ll be back for more coaching!


Thank you for being such an amazing coach! We are honored to work with you, as well and could not have reached the level of clarity and awareness without your guidance and insightful advise.


Thank you so much Estelle. I am present to and blessed by your guidance. I am grateful for your coaching and you having a powerful combination of technical skills and transformational coaching


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