I Would Love to Know What You Think!Complete the Survey below about the You will receive 4 lessons, one every 2 days that will support you in making simple changes to reduce your stress, increase your enjoyment and Consciously Create your Holiday Season. At the end of each lesson you will receive an action to complete. If you complete each action, by the end of lesson 4 you will have a workable plan for Your holiday season. Lesson One: What do I desire? In this lesson you will learn how to use the Law of Attraction to consciously create the holiday you desire. Lesson Two: Where Am I now? In this lesson you take a quick assessment to help you examine some of your family traditions and begin to make conscious choices about what to plan for this holiday season. Lesson Three: What stops me? In this lesson you learn how to use the Law of Deliberate Creation and the Law of Allowing to align your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors with what you desire for the holidays. Lesson Four: How do I get there? In this lesson you will combine all your learning and insights from Day 1-3 and choose your goals for the Holiday Season. |