Services and Fees

Coaching Packages

Coaching packages include the initial intake and debrief as one session. Sessions can be used as needed.

Three – 50-minute sessions-$300

Six - 50-minute sessions - $600

Monthly Coaching-For Existing Clients

Two-25 minute sessions per month-$100

Three-25 minute sessions per month-$150

Two-50 minute sessions per month-$200

Three-50 minute sessions per month-$300

Individual Sessions

One Hour Coaching Session - $125

½ Hour Coaching Session - $65

Intake and Debrief - $200

The intake includes preparation of a personalized questionnaire for the client to complete and a 1-hour debrief session to review the questionnaire in-depth, providing a powerful framework and foundation for future coaching sessions.

Visioning Meditation Sessions

Single Session- $75