Are you ready to get the Motivation and Support You need to take Massive Action to complete your projects and Achieve Your Goals?

  • Have you been procrastinating on completing actions towards your projects or goals?
  • Do you feel stuck, overwhelmed or unfocused?
  • Do you need the support of others?

Join Me on March 10th from 11:00am-2:00pm Eastern

It's FREE!

Attraction Into Action Day!

What is Attraction Into Action Day?

  • Have you ever had a goal or project to work on and you did everything but work on it–cleaned the bathroom, checked emails, organized your office, your closet- everything and anything accept the actions needed to complete your project or goal?
  • Have you made the commitment to take actions but couldn't get motivated or past your resistance to get started?

During Attraction Into Action Day you'll use Attraction Principles and power of deliberate intent to set your intention, align your energy and take the actions necessary to complete your goal or project, while getting the support and motivation to keep you accountable to follow through.

How does it work?

  • Attraction Into Action Days are scheduled for a 3-4 hour period (If you can’t attend all 4 hours, you can join in at the top each hour. It’s best if you can participate for at least 2 hrs)
  • You’ll connect virtually via video and or teleconference bridge at the top of the first hour and we’ll take a few minutes to set our intentions and areas of focus.
  • You’ll choose your own actions or areas of focus whether it’s completing actions for a project or goal you are working towards, working on some aspect of your business-marketing, finance, writing, social media, updating client files, studying, cleaning your office environment, self-care, or anything you choose to focus on.
  • We’ll hop off the conference bridge for the next 55 minutes you’ll work on your chosen actions.
  • At the top of the next hour we’ll come back to the conference bridge and check-in--what’s working and what’s not, we’ll share our wins, set our intentions and then get busy for the next 55 minutes.
  • Each hour we’ll repeat the process - checking in, celebrating, setting our intention and supporting each other

What can You expect?

We’ll be setting our expectations to focus on what we do want to experience:

  • You can expect support, motivation and massive action!!!
  • You’ll raise your vibration
  • Get an extra boost and
  • Make progress towards your goals or on your projects

What Others Have Experienced:

Let's Do This!