• During a session we will set an intention and talk about the subject or focus for the visioning session
• Next, I will personally guide you through an individual, customized visioning session for a subject (situation, project, relationship or divine purpose) of your choice
• After the guided visioning portion we will debrief and I will take notes
• Your session will be recorded and emailed to you in mp3 or wav format along with your visioning debrief notes and a worksheet for you to use for ongoing visioning
Sessions last between 45-50 minutes and are held over the phone.
$75 per session
After the session you may get additional insights and awarenesses that you may want to record in a journal.
Visioning is an ongoing process. It is not a one-time event. Over time a clear message of actions will be revealed. You can use your session recording to continue the process.
Once you submit the form below I will contact you to schedule and make payment for your Visioning Session.
Please note: payment must be received prior to the session.